Track the bill of entry collecting the import cargoes original, give financial affairs to handle the job paying a sum of money of. 存档。(9)跟踪收集进口货物的正本报关单,交给财务办理付款工作。
On the docks there are many warehouses with various import and export cargoes in them. 码头上有许多仓库,里面装着各种各样进出口的货物。
All the import and export cargoes must be declared to the customs. 所有进出口货物必须先通关。
Inquiring into the quarantine of import cargoes from the wharf of Shantou Special Economic Zone 汕头特区码头入境货物卫生检疫探讨
Research results indicate that the unit prices of international cargoes are dynamic, so are the export and import unit prices of the same kind of cargo and the unit prices of marine and airborne cargoes. 研究表明,国际贸易商品单价是一个动态变量,而且同类商品出口单价与进口单价、海运商品和空运商品单价的对应关系也同样处在动态变化过程中。
However, in China and other countries, import and export cargoes and incoming and outgoing people are subject to examinations of port enforcement authorities, including Customs, Inspection and Quarantine and Immigration, and traders are required to provide documents and data to the authorities. 然而,在我国及其他国家,海关、检验检疫、边防等口岸执法部门均要求对进出口货物、人员进行检查并要求贸易商提供单证和数据。